Education: Study in the University of Technology and in the administrative academy of Berlin – Education with a press photographer – special education to an IT specialist (systems analyst) – Work with calculators Siemens & IBM since 1969 with diff. operating systems – special education in the programme Adobe photoshop -Workshops and working groups for IT, photo design, report photograph and Judgement Member in German professional journalist association (DFJV), German association for photograph (DVF), Working group Photograph of the Kladower forum inc., and photo club of Potsdam. Special predilection: Not everyday projects, unusual in the normality, Streetfotografie and photo reports. Photographically engages since approx. 1957. Photos for the schoolboy’s newspaper Acceptances, certificates and prices on competitions of the DVF and the GfF. Personnel exhibitions and communal exhibitions (at home and abroad) as well as publications in different press media among other things CHIP. Development of software and activity as a lecturer. Judgement of Fotoawards. Message: „Imagination is more important than knowledge.“ (Albert Einstein)
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